Friday, November 28, 2008

Arguments against God & the Bible

When I read intellectuals' anti-God arguments & logic I just think, why are they stopping so short at this concept of God?

Christians and Atheists alike just limit themselves to what they've heard from the media and representatives of either side without sitting down and digging in for themselves.

I personally don't discount any of the questions and debates arising from challenges to God. I'm no brainiac or evolutionary scientist but I do recognize some interesting parallels between science and the bible.

For example, String Theory. As much as a layman can understand it, there is some sort of really. small. particle. Rather, lots of these things, smaller than atoms, which constitute "reality," or matter. Physicists describe it as vibrations, even as a symphony of sorts, a Theory of Everything.

In the bible God keeps saying to praise Him, even my supernatural whispering was to praise Him, over & over. I thought at first, what an egotistical creep! Praise Him. Puh-leaase.

Then I read about String Theory. Oscillations. Like music. Sound. Praise...hmm...

Studies have been conducted by scientists, buddhist monks & priests in the bible regarding a "cursing" of water in which the molecule physically changed in reaction to sound, depending on the tone of the sound (see What the Bleep).

God spoke the Universe into being. Angels singing, hideous creatures continually chanting? Coincidence? Or a glimpse into Creation?

Couldn't the bible be a simultaneous metaphor/history for human beings? A sneak peak into things we really can't understand?

Jesus always spoke in parables. Why? Maybe if He tried to explain Quantum physics to the crowds they'd be a little confused?

Sometimes I think atheists & scientists are so busy trying to disprove God, that they miss some really cool things.

1 comment:

Tspomega said...

I think my friend can field this one much better than I can. I'll send him a link.