Saturday, November 15, 2008

God & Physics CERN Experiment

The most powerful atom-smasher ever built, that could produce a theoretical particle as yet undiscovered which may or may not create a black hole that could suck the earth into it, is about to be tested in Switzerland this August!

That tickles me pink! And not for the reasons the scientists are thrilled! I just love physics. Step by laborious step, generations after generations of scientists struggle to discover the mysteries of the universe. What they discover is amazing and fun and just delights me because it makes me realize how incredible God is and how many unknown things there are yet to be discovered after we finish living here.

They already know there are more than 3 dimensions - 10 additional that they suspect - but human beings are limited to perception in only the 3. Doesn't that show you there is something in this flesh that goes well beyond the bodies that decay when "death" occurs? And personally, I have seen some bits of another dimension first-hand (if ghosts and the like are considered to be part of the 4th dimension). In these other dimensions, we DO fly. The dreams - certain ones we have - are not fantasy but actual experiences of these other dimensions. That's why sometimes when I wake up I am exhausted, physically drained, because I've left my body behind. One time I physically FELT my spirit diving back into my body when the alarm went off - it was so weird, and I woke up completely wasted.

Oh as usual I've gotten off topic. Back to the atom-smasher. I am sure it will have an effect of some kind on the earth. How could the physicists have forgotten the 1st rule of physics - every action has an opposite and equal...? They're just plain lying if they reassure the public that no harm will be done. What the Bleep do they know???

I'm not worried. It would be kind of cool if the world ended August 2008 but somehow I doubt it. I know it'll end by meteor or nuclear explosion because that's what Revelation states and that's my belief system right there. Anyhoo, it should be fun to see this crazy atom smasher gear up - and we may not see or ever know about the long-term effects it has; who knows if other scientific experiments haven't been the cause of things like Katrina or massive earthquakes, anyway? No one can know for sure. We're just curious little monkeys poking at God's infinity. How adorable. In a dangerous kind of way.

I'm still trying to move my fan blades with my mind. No success yet. Guess I don't have that mustard seed...

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