"with man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." - Mark 10:27
I wish I could get together with a bunch of physicists and mathematicians to study the Bible from a scientific, logical perspective. I need to research more into this. What's the Omega Code about?
Books like The Secret and prosperity preachers do have a sort of half-assed foot in the boat, I think. But there are real secrets to the universe in the bible. All that step by step, cubit by cubit, generation by generation numbing recounting is not for jollies. I bet even "love" comes down to some kind of kinetic force of creation.
God & Satan. Darkness & light. Chaos & entropy. If we go beyond the self-help mentality and really dig in with a seeking mind, that is where the true treasure lies. Why do churches not have an option for this level of study? Coming to God in destitute desperation is only the beginning; why do Christians always stop there?
Jesus is not a religious fable and He is more than an incidental factor in Christianity. He is the key because He also fits into this universal law somehow (see earlier post on why He is the Key to salvation).
And a deeper secret, which a lot of religions talk about (even the bible talks of a time beyond Heaven), is the one of a detached, almost unconscious existence. Is that ultimate peace? (God knows I have cried out for this very thing more than once.)
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