Kurt Cobain said it quite nicely, "all alone is all we are, all alone is all we are..."
As a follower of a religion that boasts probably the most members in the world, I feel terribly isolated. I feel like there are no other Christians out there following in the same way as I. I've looked. Where are you guys? Not in church, as far as I can see!
BSF lecture last week spoke right to me when they talked about Moses climbing Mt Sinai alone to meet with God. They said sometimes the closer you get to Him the fewer people there are around you. I'm finding this to be true. I fear I may be meant to take this journey alone.
Well, Father, if it is Your destiny for me, who am I to rebel - and if it is Your will, I will be able to endure somehow. Up and down, to the brink and back, cyclical madness of my life.
Lonely at the top of the mountain near God but better this loneliness than joining the Walmart Stampede of modern society.
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