Why do God/Jesus and Quantum Physics have to be separated? In my mind, God created Quantum Physics.
People's views of God are so narrow. My favorite part of the movie is where the old blonde chick says it's the ultimate in arrogance to create a God of our own understanding. Yet the paradox there is, what other kind of God are we going to create? And then further still, is our understanding limited? Are we trapped in mortality here? How "real" are the bodies we inhabit?
If what the movie says is true, why don't we all walk around looking like Jessica Biel or Jensen Ackles?
Does it come down to a question of faith? In which case, that biblical mustard seed is the real "Secret." Ask and ye shall receive. With the faith of a mustard seed, you could move a mountain.
Jesus called us "ye of little faith." We frustrated Him, all right. He was like, look, you dumbasses, you can raise the dead, cure cancer, throw a frigging mountain into the ocean if you REALLY BELIEVE you can. And in essence, that is what the movie says, too.
People love to villify Jesus because human beings of limited understanding created a Christ who is some kind of boring, quiet, suffering, NO-FUN harbinger of doom, when just the opposite is true.
That one Irish? guy talks with snide superiority about the irrelevance of good and evil, punishment and reward. I think he's getting lost in syntax and rhetoric. Maybe if we presented the concepts to him in politically correct terms like "yin and yang," or "chi," he'd have been less derisive.
Hell yeah, there are consequences to your actions! Punishment, reward - call them whatever you want - if you hurt someone's feelings, they might come back and key your car. If you give someone a gift, they might give you one back.
I think the reason God gave man the 10 commandments was to develop us into beings that would be able to face eternity with Him. Tell me what is wrong with the 10 commandments. Our entire judicial system of modern law is based on them. They exist to drive us toward love and community, and away from the madness of isolation and mutual destruction.
Isolation is solitude, sterility, darkness, lack of interaction, eventual madness. Love is communication, interaction, kinetic energy, creation.
What the bleep do I know but to me, Hell is a lack of love. (I felt that when my dog died - for three days I was in a universe where I spiraled into the chaos of utter grief and lost 17 lbs in 72 hours. No lie. Hey, a new fad diet - rip your heart out with grief and you'll lose weight!)
So anyway the Old Testament was there for a while, and people pretty much ignored it. They sacrificed their kids, prayed to things they made out of stone and wood, integrated ritual prostitution and generally did whatever they felt like doing.
Then in the New Testament God decided, this isn't working. Man can't control himself without some help. So He sent Christ to install the Holy Spirit software, an internal compass toward the right direction.
Don't ask me to explain the whole Christ sacrifice thing. I still don't even begin to understand that part. What the bleep do I know.
I did have a supernatural experience (I get these from time to time) when Angels kept whispering, "Evil is boring."
I didn't know what they meant. Then I thought about how you get desensitized to things. Watch enough heads being chopped off and your initial horror becomes numbed. Drink or snort or f*** or eat with abandon - and eventually you have to keep doing more and more and more and it's never enough.
There is a certain boring quality to such things. Their novelty wears off. Evil IS boring.
Discipline and growth, now that is not boring. It's not FUN, but I guess it defeats the alternative. Stimulation, new direction, learning...there are rewards there. I HATE going to the gym. I HATE working out. But afterward, I feel really good, like I accomplished something (of course, working out can be an addiction too). It's the discipline, the moderation, the battle against chaos and entropy that is the root of the universe.
There are great mysteries that I cannot understand. But to me, the Bible is actually a mind-blowing source of information for life on earth. The thing about the water and the Buddhists - it's in the bible, too. Can't remember where. But I read about priests cursing and curing water in there.
The Old Testament also writes about people living to be 700, 900 years old. And some other race of beings that mated with human beings. And great creatures, leviathans, sea monsters (maybe dinosaurs?) -
To me, the bible is a history of mankind as we now exist, and it's the most amazing source of knowledge I've seen. If people would just read it with an open mind, they'd learn quite a bit.
And of course, all the miracles. I believe they happened. I also have dreams where if I take a few running steps, then jump, I fly. In these dreams it's not a fantasy; it's a manipulation of forces that is physical and real.
I KNOW anything is possible. I just wish I could figure out how to harness that belief into this "reality." I wish I had faith, even of a mustard seed.
One mystery to me is the sack of flesh in which we live. I definitely feel like there is something inside here that is trapped. I think we're set free when we die, but there is also a REASON we are in here. I am still not sure what that reason is.
But I want to find out as much as I can, and get ready for the next step.
I do not want to live in quiet desperation. I want to fly.