There are some stories that are just so horrifying that you KNOW there has GOT to be a back story that explains things.
Then again.
1) No matter what the back story is, how does one explain a fatal stampede in a quest for discount shopping?
Stomping someone to death over, say, Rolling Stones tickets back in the day - unnerving, but you know, people can get pretty hysterical when they worship idols* (at least it's not as bad as throwing your live firstborn into a fire and eating the charred remains ... right)?
But this poor guy was working for an unlivable wage at a Behemoth Superstore that seems to be a collective commune for cheap product junkie zombies. And we can assume he wasn't too bad a sort, since in that neighborhood he probably would have been much better off selling drugs or something. Now his wife or kids (if he had any) have to spend the rest of their lives explaining that their husband/dad was killed by rabid Walmart shoppers trying to get a super deal on a big screen TV or some other crap made in China for twelve cents by some communist slave. That is heartbreaking.
2) No matter what the back story is, how does one explain beating a six-month-old shepherd puppy so brutally that she has to be euthanized?
I won't go into the story but you can google Asst Fire Chief Glynn Johnson, Karly and read the details. There was a heavy rock involved, and an attempt to split the dog's jaws in two - let's just leave it at that.
The guy claimed this dog bit him. I saw pictures of the dog. It was a baby. The guy is about 250 lbs. He admitted to the beating. Allegedly he is known for having beaten his own child and wife as well so I guess we can't be too surprised. The most disturbing thing about this story to me is that I know this sort of thing, and worse, happens to children and animals every day, in dark corners of the Earth.
If there is any point to my posting this, it is to show that we human beings are sinful and if I were God I would not have found some way to save our souls. We'd all be roasting slowly over a nice, eternal fire. That's one more thing to thank God for this Christmas - that I'm not He.
*Idols - will have to post on that, a personal struggle of late...
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