A relative sent me a link to VOM (Voices of Martyrs) and it just threw me for a loop. Hoooh.
Where do I begin on this one.
Are Christians really persecuted, tortured and killed in these weirdo countries (Vietnam, China, N Korea, etc)? Is this a hoax?
If it's not a hoax, why are these countries so mad at Christians? Are they also mad at other religions? Are they actually mad at Christians, or the legions of murderous fanatics who did so much harm in that name [they actually being Satanic and thus succeeding beautifully in making the word Christian a curse] ?
I have to think either Christians are doing a piss-poor job of representing Christ truthfully or Satan is winning.
As I see Christianity, if people knew the truth they'd be knocking YOUR door down to get at more of it. But I guess first people have to realize it exists.
I don't have any experience with these radical missionaries or the Christians across the world who are dying and being tortured. I don't know if they are hurting anyone or if they are as gentle as lambs.
I think my biggest question is, why don't these governments allow Christianity - what, to Islam, Buddha, Mohamed and whatever else relgiions are legal, is so bad about Christianity? What are they afraid will happen? Are CHRISTIANS killing people out there? (If so, they aren't Christians - while the Old Testament was full of x-rated gore, the New Testament is the new covenant of peace - no killing, let yourself be hurt before hurting others).
Do these foreign countries look at America and think that's what a Christian nation is - blind voracious consumer zombies out to rape the rest of the world so they can buy and throw away more products in a week than entire countries do in a year, while their children starve for lack of daily food and water?
I don't think anyone really knows or follows Christ's true message. No one, not one.
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