Well alrighty! That was an interesting little movie, the only thing new I really learned was the whole thing about the Christ story having been told over and over again thousands of years before Christ was ever born.
How cool is that! One thing I'm learning in BSF is that the Old Testament is prophetically pointing to Jesus and how the lives of many people reflect His life over and over both before and after He came and left earth.
So the fact that even all these ancient pagan cultures knew of and told this story over and over, appropriating it into their religions and creating their own ideas of a god through it, only proves to me the Sovereignty and foreknowledge of God. The Coming was whispered and told throughout the centuries.
And they got the whole astrology thing backwards; the Christ story is not lifted from astrology. Doesn't it make sense that the Creator of the Universe would reflect and repeat and weave His complex tapestry into the very fabric of our existence? That's physics; "nature," math; you see the patterns constantly repeated. Again, I do not see why Zeitgeist chose to split God from the Nature He created. Duh.
The thing about that Christian's comment on the dinosaurs, if it was true then that man was misinformed. The Bible talks a lot about Leviathans and creatures that sound like dinosaurs. As well as sons of God versus sons of man - there's all kinds of stuff going on. Evolutionists may counter man's existence at the time of the dinosaurs or whatever but when you consider the spherical nature of time and infinite possibilities of dimension, well...God said it, with God nothing is impossible.
On the other topics, I wish someone would do a study of Revelation in conjunction with things like that universal microchip because I think it would be fascinating. I do think we may be headed for a one world government, and I think Revelation might give us some clues into how horrible that is going to be. It is going to make Hitler look like a mewling kitten.
I am inclined to believe that the Twin Towers were not destroyed by a single airplane or subsequent fires. I remember watching the Towers fall on 9/11/01 and although I am ignorant of construction demolition I remember clearly thinking to myself, "wow that is really really weird how they are collapsing like a deck of cards."
Furthermore I was in Manhattan the first time the Twin Towers were attacked - by bomb - in the basement. I think someone drove a van into the basement? That time there was no dispute about it being a bomb. My friend and I were trying to get out of the city and we were trapped at Port Authority for hours. The crush of people was amazing; not like rush hour traffic.
I was reading my journal a few years ago and I came across an odd entry. My brother had called me one night out of the blue, begging me not go to NYC the next day. He said he'd had a dream; dying gazelles in Central Park, people trapped in small shower stalls. He was fiercely adamant about it but I didn't listen. I went into the city, had a great day and wrote, "nothing scary in the city, just some guy with cute homeless puppies I bought food for. So much for [my brother's] portents of doom."
Then I saw the entry date. 9/11/00. He was off by one year.
And that is just one of many many many supernatural things in my life that have led me to believe that God does exist, He does plan stuff and the bible is a priceless key to knowledge that we had better use if we want any wisdom and truth.
God, Heaven, the Afterlife - it's been boiled down to a brainless fable by both Christians and Atheists.
But I have discovered that when you start walking down the path of truth with a TRULY open mind, it is indeed the proverbial rabbit hole...but just make sure you go ask Jesus, not Alice or Morpheus.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Big Mouthed Christians
Jesus began His public ministry only after years of quiet, "normal" life followed by severe trial and testing under combat circumstances.
He had to pass the tests and endure before serving before God.
Makes sense. Can't have untested newbies running around spouting off about Christ, claiming to represent Him.
I think this is why the world has such a terrible view of Christianity. Big-mouth "Christians" babbling and claiming the Name without having endured or learned any real Truth with/through God.
It takes YEARS of soul-wrenching, agonizing truth-seeking and even then you are so scared to all yourself a Christian because the least word you speak or action you take as such will be analyzed, tested, and will grow like yeast in others' eyes - for good or bad.
My Big Problem with Churches

These sweet darlings can be a stumbling block for a pastor.
Of course, it comes down to money. Well, not money exactly. More the pastors who need your money for their daily sustenance.
I guess I have a Catholic view of this because I think if you want to live off other people's donations, you should not live an ordinary life. You should be a single celibate human being who has completely dedicated himself to the pursuit of God's wisdom and the ability to relay it to others via the Holy Spirit.
You should live in one room in stark stripped-to-nothing-but-essentials surroundings.
You should NOT have a nicer house, car and income than the people donating. You should be completely immersed in the goal of Christ and the coming Kingdom as your entire reality.
I think I've just described most of the new Testament Apostles.
In Southern California, Pastors are often extremely wealthy. They make six figure incomes, have beautiful wives and children and use religious donations to go on nice vacations, buy things for their kids, send them off to college...and if they don't, they spend half their time angsting and stressing over where the next dollar will come from to pay the bills.
I'm sorry but I can't help seeing the GLARING CONFLICT OF INTEREST that is inherent here!
When a man's got his basic survival needs tied up in the money you donate - it's a problem. It's a problem if he's single. If he's married with kids, it becomes downright dangerous.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christian Martyrs?

A relative sent me a link to VOM (Voices of Martyrs) and it just threw me for a loop. Hoooh.
Where do I begin on this one.
Are Christians really persecuted, tortured and killed in these weirdo countries (Vietnam, China, N Korea, etc)? Is this a hoax?
If it's not a hoax, why are these countries so mad at Christians? Are they also mad at other religions? Are they actually mad at Christians, or the legions of murderous fanatics who did so much harm in that name [they actually being Satanic and thus succeeding beautifully in making the word Christian a curse] ?
I have to think either Christians are doing a piss-poor job of representing Christ truthfully or Satan is winning.
As I see Christianity, if people knew the truth they'd be knocking YOUR door down to get at more of it. But I guess first people have to realize it exists.
I don't have any experience with these radical missionaries or the Christians across the world who are dying and being tortured. I don't know if they are hurting anyone or if they are as gentle as lambs.
I think my biggest question is, why don't these governments allow Christianity - what, to Islam, Buddha, Mohamed and whatever else relgiions are legal, is so bad about Christianity? What are they afraid will happen? Are CHRISTIANS killing people out there? (If so, they aren't Christians - while the Old Testament was full of x-rated gore, the New Testament is the new covenant of peace - no killing, let yourself be hurt before hurting others).
Do these foreign countries look at America and think that's what a Christian nation is - blind voracious consumer zombies out to rape the rest of the world so they can buy and throw away more products in a week than entire countries do in a year, while their children starve for lack of daily food and water?
I don't think anyone really knows or follows Christ's true message. No one, not one.
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Last week, I dreamt my dad was dressed in white cotton trousers and a white cotton shirt. He was going off to some job he had and was happy about doing. My mom packed him a brown-bag lunch. I thought in my dream, "he's going to be all right; he's going to make it."
Last night I was woken up by a voice to the left of my bed that said, "Daddy." It was a sort of tinny, robotic voice, and very clear audio. Not a dream. I woke up and wondered, but I was not afraid. Just curious.
There were 2 incidents where voices scared me s***less. Back on the East Coast there was a message on my cell phone. I heard whispering, whimpering, and then: "[unintelligible]...near one." They almost, but not quite, sounded like my niece and sister, or a dog. But not quite. My heart chilled over when I heard it. A friend of mine listened and nearly threw my phone back to me, crying out, "that's not right - delete it!"
I was awakened one night several years ago by a voice clearly calling my name. It had absolutely no organic quality at all. It was a dead thing speaking in human decibels. It scared me so badly I turned on my light and sat up all night.
Five years ago, a few days after my first dog died, I woke up to the familiar thud of his heavy head on the edge of my bed. He always used to do that while he contemplated the energy it would take to climb up the high bed. Then he would put a paw up and clamber in with me - which is exactly what started to happen. I whispered, "Jesus, no" and it disappeared instantly.
And of course, the reason for this Blog, those whispers of Psalm 47:7.
There are some stories that are just so horrifying that you KNOW there has GOT to be a back story that explains things.
Then again.
1) No matter what the back story is, how does one explain a fatal stampede in a quest for discount shopping?
Stomping someone to death over, say, Rolling Stones tickets back in the day - unnerving, but you know, people can get pretty hysterical when they worship idols* (at least it's not as bad as throwing your live firstborn into a fire and eating the charred remains ... right)?
But this poor guy was working for an unlivable wage at a Behemoth Superstore that seems to be a collective commune for cheap product junkie zombies. And we can assume he wasn't too bad a sort, since in that neighborhood he probably would have been much better off selling drugs or something. Now his wife or kids (if he had any) have to spend the rest of their lives explaining that their husband/dad was killed by rabid Walmart shoppers trying to get a super deal on a big screen TV or some other crap made in China for twelve cents by some communist slave. That is heartbreaking.
2) No matter what the back story is, how does one explain beating a six-month-old shepherd puppy so brutally that she has to be euthanized?
I won't go into the story but you can google Asst Fire Chief Glynn Johnson, Karly and read the details. There was a heavy rock involved, and an attempt to split the dog's jaws in two - let's just leave it at that.
The guy claimed this dog bit him. I saw pictures of the dog. It was a baby. The guy is about 250 lbs. He admitted to the beating. Allegedly he is known for having beaten his own child and wife as well so I guess we can't be too surprised. The most disturbing thing about this story to me is that I know this sort of thing, and worse, happens to children and animals every day, in dark corners of the Earth.
If there is any point to my posting this, it is to show that we human beings are sinful and if I were God I would not have found some way to save our souls. We'd all be roasting slowly over a nice, eternal fire. That's one more thing to thank God for this Christmas - that I'm not He.
*Idols - will have to post on that, a personal struggle of late...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The True Meaning of Christmas - STOP SHOPPING FOR JUNK

He paints the deserts with His brush,
this Artist King we now can touch;
dipping rainbows into fire,
beyond His Glory nothing's higher.
From sweeping hills topped verdant green
to canyons carved with depths unseen,
His voice brings forth an eagle's flight,
His hands our nest on star filled nights.
O sing our praise to God our Light,
whom woods declare with awesome height
and sparkling seas before Him rest
or thunder all their mighty best
from but a whisper of His Breath.
This Great Sovereign Majesty
on Christmas Eve fell to our feet,
to draw our souls into His Grace
that we could look upon His Face
and with Him live eternally
in the woven Tapestry
completed by His sacrifice
for which that night He gave His life.
Video version of poem on Youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e8LokFKrbU (a little corny except for the fact that each photo was taken first-hand by me and inspired this praise poem - not pretty internet clips, I saw the beauty for myself)
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