...and Americans are paying the Chinese to chop them down.
I feel a sense of deja vu when I see the headlines lately. It looks like Marx and Nietzche are staging some comebacks. Newsweek decries the new Death of Christianity; the Chinese, seeing our Western economies collapsing, are buying up all the copies of Marx they can find (have they already forgotten Mao?) ...
What the Hell would happen to America if we stopped buying products made in China?
Seriously. Next time you go out to buy something, check to see where it was made. Walk around your house and look at your stuff and check to see where it was made. Look in your closet, look at the tags on the clothing on your back right now. Your shoes. Where was it all made?
For the average American, if it wasn't made in China, chances are very good you probably can't afford it. Walmart. Target. Toys R Us. Any given store in your city's malls. If you removed the stuff made in China, you'd be left with virtually NOTHING.
Americans are inextricably entwined in Chinese economy right now. We are dependent on a country that only recently stopped mass killings of its entire educated populace. A country that continues to jail people who speak against the party politics or for freedom of religion. A country that supports a fascist regime bent on murdering its entire population at the whim of a lone madman. A country that does this: http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?&next_url=/watch%3Fv%3DO_8Ko-9uKRs%26feature%3Dchannel_page -- to produce the fur coats that Americans want to wear.
We wanted to live large. We wanted our big screen TVs and our McMansions and gadgets and toys for our kids, and we wanted it cheap. We got it all. From China. On credit.
And now, our big corporations and financial structure are collapsing around us. Our elected officials' solution is to inject trillions of dollars to "save" these behemoths. Does anyone seriously think that we are ever going to recover from a MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT?
So...what do you think is going to happen here? On the one hand, we have a proud nation of self-centered, materialistic celebrity-worshiping zombies who are suddenly losing the sleepy comfort of working mindlessly for corporate behemoths that are now abruptly kicking them out the door.
On the other we have literally billions of uneducated post-communist hordes who are for the first time in their history as a population, tasting the saccharin-sweet temptations of living above the poverty level, and are willing and able to do anything - anything - to keep from returning to the tortured deprivation of their former lives.
Is this what the future holds:
-Racial unrest, increased brutality against minorities in the U.S.
-Disappearance of a middle class
-Foreign occupation of the U.S., loss of religious freedom
-War between China/North Korea, Middle East and the EU over control of the States?
Because I really don't see Americans adopting a new minimalist lifestyle any time soon. Not by choice, anyway.
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