How dare a Good Christian ever say that???
Well, you know, I'd be lying through my teeth if I pretended I never sat in tears and screamed, "I HATE YOU! YOU SUCK!!!" (And worse) To God Almighty. Whilst trying desperately to understand Him.
He already knows what you're thinking. He can SEE INSIDE your SOUL, for crying out loud. So if you think He can't handle a temper tantrum, you really have no idea who you're dealing with. Of course He could very well just zap your ass with lightning for it, but that's because He's God. He can do whatever He wants.
So if you sit and think about this crappy world and all the horrible things human beings do, your mind starts to get clever. Okay, if God exists and He is almighty and all-powerful and He invented us, then ... EVERYTHING IS HIS FAULT. Our nasty characters, all the crime, abuse, death ... ALL HIS FAULT. Any reasonable person who believes in God would come to this conclusion.
So it's up to Him to fix everything.
Yup. That's right.
How does He do that?
Through this magical mystery-tour called Jesus Christ.
Excuse me, what?
Christ is the Key. Like (get ready for Nerd attack in 3-2-1...) Buffy's little sister in the Vampire chronicles. The magical key to the Universe.
Didn't expect such a unicorn theory for an answer?
Well, I explain it more in terms of Quantum theory (I love Quantum Theory because it just lets you make up any crazy s*** and sit there going, well it's ALL POSSIBLE - JUST LIKE GOD) in other posts.
Whatever you wanna call it, for some frigging reason, Christ is the key to entering this Quantum dimension we call Heaven. I think it has something to do with the Old Testament being a demonstration of a certain kind of static, mathematical sin-punishment (action/reaction/balance cancellation = zero or death) dynamic that exists in a 3-dimensional world, whereas Christ represents the more fluid, infinite-dimension of Quantum creation that exists outside reason/law/math.
So, when you go toward the Christ end, it's okay to hate God. He understands. It' all good.
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