This was a little unexpected. I ran across a Near Death Experience website and one of the people recalled an out -of-body conversation.
the presence was prompting me into a dialogue. I remember bits and pieces of a "conversation" without words. I remember asking questions and receiving answers. The first question I asked was very impertinent. "Why is there so much pain down there?" (meaning on earth). The answer was laughter. So much joyful laughter like a mother laughing at the amazing questions only a small child can ask. The laughter was followed with something like: "Don't you know I have the power to take away all the pain? I can rewind the universe and start all over again with one simple wish. The pain is left behind on earth. It does not travel with us but the lessons we learn from it are eternal.
Yeah. I never would have expected laughter as a response to that age-old cry of "why?"